Lethbridge's Comments
(2) comments by Lethbridge

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Warpstalker Runt
Found in Eredath in Argus. From Wowhead, "Following a rash of item and character renaming to remove references to former Blizzard developers Jesse McCree, Luis Barriga, and Jonathan LeCraft last week, the Argus subzone of Mac'Aree is now also being renamed to Eredath in Patch 9.1.5."
Posted: October 05, 2022 7:58:05 PM
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Rating: 0
1-2 of 2
Can anyone suggest some Twitch streamers about weird stuff like pet collecting and battling, collecting old achievements, RP, etc.? I don't think most of us pet collectors/battlers are really into the stuff that most Twitchers are. My guild's dead and I don't do dungeons or raids with strangers. How about you guys? I'm pretty much a lone eagle, er, Worgen.
Edited to add: I wish Yogscast guys still played WoW
Another edit: I think Twitch subs are free with Amazon Prime