Leny's Comments
(3) comments by Leny

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Re: Tiny Snowman
Of all the non-combat pets Ive seen this one stands out. This is the only non-combat pet that I know of that stays still. This pet will not waddle along behind you like most pets. It also does some little dances and hat tips making it a interesting pet but its inibility to move and the regent cost makes it a pet that will be rarely summoned.
Posted: September 27, 2009 6:44:17 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Jubling
You get this pet from doing a simple quest from a Orc at the Darkmoon Fair. To do this you need 2-3 beers from the bar in Blackrock Depths. At level 80 these are rather easy to get as you can solo the instance. If you are not level 80 you could get a ride from a friend using there Mole Machine,from the Brewfest boss in Blackrock Depths. When you have the beer just place it on the ground near the Orc. Her Jub-Jub will come over and lap up the beer. She will then give you a quest for the pet egg.
Posted: September 27, 2009 11:15:05 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: +9
I got this amazing pet after doing the arena tournament of 2009. It took 200 matches (win or lose) to get him. Unlike his cousin Grunty he has no giant animations. The only two Ive seen are him kind of sneezing and him looking under his shield looking flustered. Maybe they will add another pet for the next arena tournament :). in the 2010 arena tournament.... its only 50 arenas !!!!!!
Posted: September 27, 2009 11:05:48 AM
Edits: 8
Rating: +1
1-3 of 3