Ladihawke73's Comments
(103) comments by Ladihawke73

Comments by Date (103)
just got a rare at 31.73 in the gorge, by where Rekk'tilac spawns, the big rare spider. took about 20 minutes of killing the lava crabs, capturable and non. good luck
got a rare first try, just below thorium point flight path.
spent almost 3 hours out here last night, no rare, logged in today, first one i get is a rare. 17.54, just outside sporeggar. good luck. lvl 17
71.21 in skald, with hubby helping, finally after 2 hours of battles i got my rare, hubby was able to get the baskilisk and scorpid, and cogblade rare too....
finally got my rare, second raptor just outside toshley, good luck
finally got my rat at 69.26 in the rustburg village in tol barad. thanks to who posted that was the best place to get it, i was out there for an hour and 15 minutes lol, when i did get my rare, i actually had 2 in the same battle lol. good luck.
got my rare on the second try, on the windward isle, the main bird was an uncommon, but it had called in a rare. good luck. coords, 65.29
captured an uncommon at 56.83 slingtail pits.
got an uncommon in pearlfin at 56.82
got one at 48.67 in the fox grove.
got a rare along the river in the vale, battleing a water strider.
got one as a christmas gift from a fellow collector buddy :)
finally...just got this little guy, 1200 kills later over 2 days of doing nothing else...thank you to whoever said to kill at 67.47 it worked :) last whelpling i needed. good luck.
was just reading comments and realized i didnt have this little guy yet, so i logged back into my mage and went to look. she was logged out in green warden cause ive been (sigh) farming the crimson whelpling. anyway, got lucky, the matriarch and the nest were up :) 69.29 in the middle of the cave. raptor ridge, wetlands.
bought an uncommon from the ah for about 1500g.
bought this and the saphire cub in the ah..worm was 50g, uncommon, cub 1500g, uncommon.
after 6 greys/ commons i got my rare, crimson expanse.
captured an uncommon while battling a geode, crimson expanse, 77.46.
update: while looking for a rare crimson shale spider i captured a rare beetle. :)
crimson expanse, 75.39
got my rare on the second try, upper silvermarsh, 70.64
after farming this pain of a mini pet, and doing it all day, and many other rares and leveling lower level pets, i finally got a rare moth at 74,19 just outside bogpaddle, was my last of the night, saw it figured one last try. sure enough, thats the way it usually works. got it just about 5 minutes ago. good luck, and my advice is if you need this as a rare its a pain of a grind, i'd suggest using a stone to upgrade it...good night .