Kurtosis' Comments
(6) comments by Kurtosis

Comments by Date (6)
Is this little guy any good at battling? He looks great, but not worth farming a million times for if he's not actually useful besides increasing your pet count and looking shiny.
Yeah but how does it battle? Is it worth farming 1000 eyes for?
This is one of the few pets with Nether Portal which is both strong and annoying. You can get this one with about 2-4hrs of farming pretty consistently (eg not dependent on high RNG boss drop).
One good farming spot is in southern Antoran Wastes near the Felfire Armory, where the world quest to sabotage 6 Legion bombs is. Pick up bombs from the green bomb piles and use to quickly AoE a bunch of demons here.
Dreamshaper, upgrade them to rare with a stone and that will fix the ?? and show their breed. Don't need to level them, just upgrade to rare.
Just went up to NE Barrens to farm him, got him within the first minute. I was just AoE'ing every mob so don't know which dropped it. Probably got a little lucky, but I suspect the drop rate is high enough that there's no point in buying this guy for thousands of gold on the AH, just farm him.
Is this guy different in any way from Lil 'XT?
Why is this so highly rated as a battler? 4.33 as a write I this, higher than all but the top 5 ranked battle pets. Is one of its skills rare or particularly strong, or does it have some notable interaction/s?