Ksisa131's Comments
(2) comments by Ksisa131

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Magical Crawdad
I fished on all 3 lakes, looking for swirling pools, about 260 casts got the box and got the crawcad on the 1st wish, 2 hours'ish work. Now i have to do it all over again for my better half :)
Posted: November 05, 2013 12:13:04 PM
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28/01/16. Was leveling my alt in STV, noticed i was missing this pet. After realising its lvl 85 to get quest, changed to main, in Ogrimar Bewmba gave the the spirit quest. So i headed to STV and followed the quest line as if i was completing it, i got to the guy in cave with panther cub next to him, he gave me the quest to bury him with his boots when i completed that i received my cub (how silly to have stopped so near). Complete the quest line to the end, no further rewards of interest.