Koompiis' Comments
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Seems to be US (blizzard time) for the Day vs Night time.
Im on a EU server and found this little guy up around 12.00pm server (lunch) time. So its not the games Night vs Daytime schedule.
Was hunting for all the treasures around Shadowmoon valley (so wasnt petfarming) and went at the big isle 38,81. (great farmingspot since its alot if adds running around the shoreline)
Only killd 10 trash there and the little one dropped..!
Found my first Calf nere the waterfall at 65,64 rare quality.
Also found a poor quality on the opposit side at 68,56.
Its a tricky little one to find!
Where alot of them around (63,75) nere the camp.
Also found a rare one as a 2 pet in talador!!
Found most and alot of the Ravager Hatchlings on Wyrmscar Island, Bloodcurse Isle and around Blood Watch if you want fast spawn.
To get Sumprush Rodent you will need:
1. Completed the startingquest's in the area.
2. Collect 2000 Lion's Landing Commission(H) or Domination Point Commission(A) as you gain from killing mobs at the opposit faction location.
3. Go to youre factions Collector of Commission and obtain Rodent Crate.
4. Place the Rodent Crate on the ground and the little Sumprush Rodent will spawn all over the place. They are zone-wide!
NOTE: it last 1 HOUR now..
"THIS SNAKE IS OFTEN SEEN SUNNING ON THE EXPOSED ROCKS HIGH IN THE BADLANDS." - which is true. Found most of my King Snake's on the top of the mountains along the "scar."
Dunno why ppl have downvotet that its hard to find rares of this kind becouse it is. Mosly just poors or commons ones you can find. So if youre not lucky and dont wanna spend alot of hours finding one. I suggsest to use a stone for this pet. :)
Found several around Retribution Point flightpath in talador. Got a rare after my 3 try on that tiny little pet wile trying to lvl up my lvl 17 dragon.
Unfortunately i killd mine. They seems to take HUGE dmg. >.<
Can't say it was a hard pet to find. Just walked both north and south around 40,77 and there was plenty. The only thing i noticed is the pet has a long respawn timer.
This pet is NOT bound to any faction.
Got alot of them appered as 2 pets around 58,56 - (around Firebeard's Patrol)
I know that its some small gryphon critters running around in twilight highlands
After been running around for a wile, I aslo found several at (23,64) nere Wor'Gol
Found a good farming spot at (49,71) were it was 1 Bandicoon and 2 Bandicoon kit's walking around in 4 winds.
When i finishid batteling the second one, the first one had respawned and keept doing that.
Did try to fly around and look for this pet for a wile without so much luck. Started petbattle other pets and it seems like its better luck to get it as second pet.
Got a rare one as second pet wile batteling Wild Golden Hatchlings around Arboretum.
Those are around area 72,31 ish.
Close to "The Incursion" on the map.
A bit hard to get if you are on a high pop server.
Note: if you have done the pvp quest (altest as horde, dunno about ally) you will find it harder to look for the hatchlings around area 80,25 couse the pvp area will be zooned.
Got one rare after my 2 try.
Are alot of em around he Blackrathom Deeps - 19.45 server time
Took the first one in the middle of the "circle" and it was a rare (Y)
Had a char camping for like a week on The Noxious Lair.
Finally it was a Sandstorm -Rangaros (eu) around 19.45 server time and there was ALOT of silithid hatchling around the area. Got a green om my first try, kept going couse noone els was there. Got a rare on my 4th try. also got a rare Sand Kitten at my 5 try on a silithid Hatchling!
Happy hunting! :)
Got a Spectral Tiger Cub from a guildmate a bit random.
*Dying a little*
Hes sooo cute!