Karlayne's Comments
(11) comments by Karlayne

Comments by Date (11)
bless you kind souls!!!! it took me weeks to find out why my pet journal showed only rare pets and on here it didn't. I kept thinking I was missing pets!! WOOHOOOOO!!!! y'all RAWK!!!
I'll take one of each please!!!! SO EXCITED!!! Also saving up my charms!
so I have a p/s and an s/s of these and wondering which might be best. Of course I think speed is awesome..then again power. hhhmmmm!??!! I need to get rid of one!
I kept forgetting to get this guy! I swapped my barn and tavern and poof , there was my milk!!!I just had to go into the barn ( horde barn ) then into the space at second left. I then jumoed fence into first space and it was there next to the horseshoe and sack. I left the barn there too.. I like it better. WHAT A CUTIE PIE!!!
SERVER resets in 15 minutes y'all!! RUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually saw a lone shadow sporebat on about half an hour before server reset. He was a poor...which is all I have. No one else was on in the guild that wanted him. I was kinda sad to have left him there.
I am more than a little sad that this lil fella simply "swims" thru the air instead o riding on his little broom like he did last year :( I finally got the Magic broom to drop and was looking forward to flying around on our matching broomsticks *sniff sniff*
This little cutie pie is the reason I will FINALLY level up my archeology!!! How adorable!!!!!
My husband thought they were going to make me jump through hoops just to laugh at me and not let me in. I filled out a long application very honestly (ROFL), waited a few days. AND THEY LET ME IN! I was able to immediately buy the hatchling.
btw, you have to buy one and learn it before you can buy a second one, learn that one before you can buy a thrid one. They are not able to be caged and they are all green unpon learning them. WHO CARES!!??!?! thats what stones are for!!!!
just picked up the quest on Hellscream today!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooo! finally!
add me battletag id kiralayne@1272 I still have 9 more times to do it!
UPDATED on June 12, 2015***** SO it this pet no longer available??? I lost some ground ages ago , but have been there looking for a daily for a week or more now and not once has anyone appeared to offer a daily, much less the Lost in the Deep daily. *****
I have done this dungeon so many times and never knew about this pet!! I have LOTS of pets! (Just a winter season away/snowy owl from Zookeeper lol) I happened to see where someone suggested him in a particular fight... I IMMEDIATELY cued for Stormstout and got him! wooohoooo!!!
( I must say it was the middle of the night, time for bed but I NEEDED that pet! sp I came close to getting kicked from my group!! I was like...LOOK a butterfly, I mean Golden Hopling!!! what boss? ) can't wait to level her!!
FINALLY!!!! The bird just dropped for me!!! I also leveled my paladin from 100-102 just doing this pet battle. The same battle that dropped the buzzard pushed me over to 102. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tempted to sell her while she is HOT but right now I just dipped to number 4 on my server... I need all the pets I can get. I am keeping her and gonna continue to level my pally.