Kamira's Comments
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I too prefer the guarranteed currency drop rather than RNG pet drop. I would rather be able to see the end of the grind, if its gated behind weekly lockouts.
My word. This is depressing.
Is it known which foods are needed?
That you for everything, Doobjanka! Good luck onward :D
5/40 in our raid got it. So it's not as generous as one would hope.
MC itself wasn't hard. Few tactics and most was healable. What makes it hard is the lack of coordination and people disregarding tactis. One might be able to queue for it via LFR, but MC is far more brutal and unforgiven than earlier LFRs.
A drop from a limited 40-man raid? Auch... I only hope Rag will drop more than one pr kill or that you can keep rolling on the pet every time you run!
In case anyone as I was wondering; no, the pterrordax does not survive the appocalypse even if he has the ability himself
Found my rare of a Locust, so they do come from those aswell.
lovely gesture, Sawfty, all the best from the other side of the Atlantic :)