Jaybear's Comments
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Found it at 58, 52, right next to the flower vendor. Took about five cheers and then it popped into a firework and went into my pet journal automatically. We waited around a while so my boyfriend could get it too and it popped up almost 10 minutes later exact at 41, 40 outside of Simply Enchanting. Good luck!
Found one at 57, 70 that was a common. Then I found another at 52, 24, also a common. If I find anymore, I'll add it in!
Found one at 56,42. It was a common B/B.
On January 11th, 2015, I was able to order this little guy when it had previously been missing from the store! It's in the Blizzard Gear store, under Collectables. I found it on page two. Good luck!
Orumu can be killed with an alt for another chance at the pet. I defeated him on my warlock and there was no loot for her. I tried again on my DK and not only did I get loot, but the pet as well!
For those looking to kill Orumu, I suggest using the Group Finder->Premade Groups->Custom to find off server groups looking to kill him. Good luck!
So lucky that the last three trainers I needed showed up for the Celestial Tournament this week! Finished up An Awfully Big Adventure and got Trunks! Saved an Ultimate Battle-Training Stone just for the occasion and it's level 25 and all cozy in my collection. :)