Incidental_druid's Comments
(7) comments by Incidental_druid

Comments by Date (7)
This thing is surprisingly good for critter family battle achievements. The S/S has 337 speed which is enough to outspeed a lot of stuff, 2/1/1 are my go-to moves if it is faster. You can dust cloud or interrupt the enemy and do decent-ish damage while only taking 1 out of every 4 of the opponent's attacks. Struggles against things that block and heal a lot. Great against things that attack in set rotations. Worth getting at least one S/S, I use mine a lot.
I've been using different characters to fish 100 of the darkmoon fish for the scavenger hunt map thing, each character gets 100 tickets to trade for a pet (pets cost 90 tickets each from the pet vendor). Anyway I didn't find any of these til my 2nd character but I was just on the beach near the guy who teleports you to the cannon. I spent extra time fishing for the pets the fishing reward merchant sells and got another one. Still have 5 pets to buy at darkmoon so I will probably get a 3rd
Arctic Fox Kit, Baby Ape, and Silithid Hatchling are all weather dependent, only spawning during snow, rain, or sandstorms respectively. I had my Vulpera camp out for them at separate times, but you could use more toons to do it faster. For the Arctic Fox Kit, I camped out on a mountain and flew around for a sec to check my minimap for pets, I noticed the pawprints before the actual snow. Just checked before and after playing my other characters mostly, took me maybe 3 days. Good luck!
Baby Ape, Silithid Hatchling, and Arctic Fox Kit are all weather dependent, only spawning during rain, sandstorms, or snow respectively. I had my Vulpera camp out for them at separate times, but you could use more toons to do it faster. For the Baby Ape, I camped out on the eastern beach, there are low level hostile apes but they never really got in the way. Just checked before and after playing my other characters mostly, took me less than a week to log in when it was raining. Good luck!
Silithid Hatchling, Baby Ape, and Arctic Fox Kit are weather dependent, only spawning during sandstorms, rain, or snow respectively. I had my Vulpera camp out for them. For the Silithid Hatchling, I had him camp out by one of the two horrible pits. Just checked before and after playing my other characters mostly, took me less than a week to log in during a sandstorm and catch a few. Did the same thing for the Baby Ape later when I found out about its similar conditions. The beach was much nicer.
It's the last pet I need for Eastern Kingdoms Safari ;-;
I did the quests and went in and out of those catacombs (47, 78) a bunch of times but the only pets in the area were Arcane Eyes. I finished the quests at 00:33 server time, hadn't seen any around the whole time. Left after 10 minutes. Will check again after the hour changes. Edits: Nothing at 1:20 server time, came back at 2:55 and there were a lot, 2 were in front of the barrier area and there were more beyond
The H/H is my favorite breed. I use either of the cannon moves depending on typing as well as shock and awe (I like stuns and dislike low hit chances but up to you), and finish with explode. Even on bosses it does 722 or something, some damage reduction stuff doesn't affect it. Hits hard and is pretty durable with over 1800 HP (and the mechanical revive thing is super nice with the self-destruct). Is it better than the Iron Starlette? Probably not but depends on situation. I like both options.