Hutton's Comments
(3) comments by Hutton

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
These spawn in groups and in good quantity. I was able to farm one location for hours straight without any downtime. Rare spawns are roughly 1/30 from my exp. and Arctic Hare can spawn as secondary pet. These tend to be the fastest way to find an Arctic Hare due to the fact they are so spread out.
Posted: November 02, 2012 8:37:16 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Arctic Hare
These can be somewhat difficult to find because they are pretty spread out across multiple zones. However, they can spawn as an additional pet in battles as well. For instance, while fighting Dragonbone Hatchlings I was able to capture 3 Rare Arctic Hares. Also, Dragonbone hatchlings are great for leveling pets! ...just my 2 cents :)
Posted: November 02, 2012 8:33:37 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-3 of 3
For a week I've been flying into felwood to hunt for a minfernal. My heart races every time I fly above on the flight master and see them spawned, only to remember that CRZ won't let me tame them! So I fly to the pits and look anyway, and there's always several people camping. But today the campers were afk and I was able to tame one! A poor quality, but with upgrade stones coming I'm content!