Hmm's Comments
(4) comments by Hmm

Comments by Date (4)
For the attack that is buffed by Arcane Storm: the only unconditionally capturable pet that produces an Arcane Storm is the Nexus Whelpling, located on the big island Coldarra in northwest Borean Tundra. A few other pets can produce this effect, but are either the rewards from achievements or are very rare world drops.
Got a RARE guy using the 24hr method, 'cept it was 48 hrs. I researched this guy because he's got a "blind" ability. I staked out the server restarts on Tuesday morning and made a note of the time when my realm came up: 10:26am. Then I parked a high-level mage at SF. The next day I missed the time, so I thought I would give it a go a day later, and this guy appeared out of nowhere at 10:26am Thursday. Then it fought with a green critter and another rare critter. What's up with that? :)
Pair the Death Grip ability with the Mechanical ability Minefield, like the Pet Bombling or Darkmoon Tonk has. Then Devour. You'll see this pet in a new way.
Had a spare Critter stone, so I used it on a poor-quality Breed 5. I only encountered poors and commons even after a hour, but this was the only one with the high speed rating. Thanks to the tool on this website, I determined that this was indeed the S/S breed, so I capped him and stoned him.