Gwenholick's Comments
(2) comments by Gwenholick

Comments by Date (2)
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Got this pet today on the 5th day. I do 900k DPS over 60sec with a sum of 50m-60m total damage done, roughtly spawn 2-3 scary sprite (I also believe you cannot spawn more than 3).
IMPORTANT: This pet is on a shared loot table, all the people in the group can need/greed on this pet unless you set to ML.
happy hunting
Posted: September 16, 2013 3:08:46 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -2
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I got this today, the stats are:
155hp, 10power, 12speed (lv1)
1465hp, 260power, 305speed (lv25)
Good luck
p.s It does NOT fly with you.