Greatdane's Comments
(5) comments by Greatdane

Comments by Date (5)
have had mine now for months... helpful tip, i turned up the volume on my computer and was doing house work... when i was like "what the hell is that sound?" .... when it is raining on the island it makes a strong sound of "raining" and i could hear it from the other room.... looked at screen and pow 3 baby apes monkeying around...
hope this helps
not only have i waisted about 20 hours camping for this pet at all random hours of the day, killing the rats, and all mobs in area but i have never even seen a Minfernal even show on the mini map.... starting to go blind.... worst luck ever for slow respond pets and world drops
.... FINNALY found one... 6am sharp spawn realm time ... location 41.81, 37.46.... rare to boot , was just going to drop my character there and was like whats that little green paw? lucky day for me ;-).....
over 300 kills and still no luck... Great way to get your 20 elite spaws during the day while farming
is he any good for pet battle?
just snapped it from the AH for 2500G... either someone does not know what they had or selling off their extra pets