Grannyglee's Comments
(8) comments by

Comments by Date (8)
Hi everyone! It has been a year since this article was posted and I thought it would be nice to check in and let you know I have enjoyed all of the support and "hello's" I have recieved over the last year.
Because I had several people ask me to make a video on my Pet leveling strategy, I went ahead and did one. It is posted on my youtube channel and also on my blog.
Thanks for all the feedback and happy hunting!
To all my dear gamers, I am checking in to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments. I feel blessed to have so many people who care. I would like to do a "shout out" to Boban/Vek who sent me the Nightshade Sprouting, Tranquil Mechanical Yeti and Soul of the Forge. Also I would like to thank all the people who have taken the time to say "hi" ingame and send me e-mails. I enjoy hearing from you. ~Donna Glee Reim (aka Grannyglee)
PS I am on Facebook too if you want to friend me :)
@Fogcityroller - I chose the EU server because my dear friends, Vid and Karen who are from from England, play WOW and already had established a nice guild on the EU server. Also - it is good to be surrounded by friends who are very supportive. Thank you for asking.
Because of all the wonderful questions I have been receiving, I added my bio on this site. Hope you enjoy reading about me as much as I enjoy reading all the wonderful comments.
@Laraven - to answer your question, yes I love animals. I was raised on a farm in Oklahoma during the depression and was surrounded by all sorts of animals. I rode my first horse at 3! I currently have 2 cats who try to sit on my keyboard while I play. Thank you for asking.
@Alezender - in addition to collecting pets, I also like to collect mounts and do archaeology. I also very much enjoy the Darkmoon faire. Thank you for asking.
Wow! this is really exciting for me. Can't believe the number of comments I have gotten
thank you for the comments. i love reading each and every one of your comments.
I want to thank everyone for those wonderful comments. I really appreciate them and you for taking the time to comment. One of you mentioned that your grandchild though I was cool. I thought you might like to know my grandchildren think I am cool, too. Since i love Aerosmith, Pink Floyd and many other rock bands, my grandson has bragged to his friends about me. I guess I am sort of a kook but I really enjoy life to the fullest.