Grandmamama's Comments
(28) comments by Grandmamama

Comments by Date (28)
This pet is very good for Pvp pet battles specifically against Sunny Day teams. Not only do you naturally counter Elementals with Grasp, you counter their Sunny Day with Cleaning Rain healing your entire team, and Perk Up to basically do a better Sunny Day than they :)
Highly underrated pet! I find the best moveset to be the simplest one, Feedback, Amplify Magic, and Deflection. Basically Deflect when you think you're in for a big hit, then spam Feedback (or Amplify then Feedback x2 then Deflection). While it isn't the fanciest pet, it is quite a powerhouse if left unchecked.
Not the best battler but Shadowmeld + Savage Talon can do a lot of damage, and it looks creepy!
Fantastic and strong Undead type pet!
Pretty strong Snake/Beast type pet for you to use! Powerful stats and strong moves
Very strong Snail/Critter type pet with fantastic stats and the Charge move!
If you are faster than your opponent (pretty likely!) then this pet is an absolute powerhouse. Even against Flying (faster) it has Magic attacks. Obviously bad against anything faster than it or Mechanical pets.
Idk why this Wood Frog only has one comment on it, and even worse, such a low rating for battling. It comes in a great breed type of H/S, allowing the use of a moveset like Tongue Lash, Cleansing Rain/Healing Wave, and Frog Kiss. Using 3 of these frogs at rare quality level 25 on a team, is extremely solid, even to this day. Never underestimate the power of healthy and speedy frogs.
Surprised there's no Battle comments on this pet. I use a team of Rudolph, Dancer, and Prancer, with Rudolph and Prancer using Hoof, Tranquility, and Bleat, and Dancer using Hoof, Nature's Ward, and Bleat. With proper switching, the team is nigh unkillable (albeit, it can be slow to kill especially against humanoids). But it more than makes up for it with it's nigh un-killability as a Trio of pets, the only real counters to it being Darkness/Healing reduction and Beast attacks. Very solid pet
Idk why no one left a comment on the battle ability of this pet. Because it's pretty great! It has 4 different damage types + 3 damage/damage over time combo abilties, one of which is the DoT buffing Corrosion as well.
With healthy/balanced stats, and Elemental typing, you can largely ignore whatever the opponent does, and simply use any one of your 3 main attacks (poison spit, corrosion, creeping ooze). It will take basically anything down, especially if you use more than 1.
Not sure why the appearance (and battle) rating on these is so low...they are one of the few pets that come in multiple colors, I have a blue one, a yellow one, and a white one. They're also warpstalker models, but aquatic "toads" I guess. Moveset is solid, breeds are pretty normal, but to only see 2.5 stars on appearance? C'mon.
For a truly degenerate experience, acquire 3 H/H Fozlings, using Rock Barrage, Photosynthesis, and Sunlight. H/H for the most possible HP, boosted by Sun as well, making Fozlings unbreakable even with a massive crit. Once you get them, just Sunlight and Photosynthesis and swap to the next Fozling, rinse and repeat, yes the Sunny Day strategy of wasting everyone's time and slowly whittling down the opponent while heal up all damage to over maximum health...of course, there are counters, but yeah
No idea why this pet only has a 3 star battle rating...once upgraded to rare and leveled to 25, this pet is extremely powerful and has very few equals in what it can do. In fact, a team of 3 upgraded and leveled Tiny Snowmans, can and will beat virtually any trainer, PvE or PvP, the only exception being a team full of Critters (which is pretty rare, so). Call Blizzard, Deep Freeze, and your choice of more damage vs more coverage, with good/balanced stats, do NOT underestimate these Tiny Snowmans
S/S of this breed is absolutely incredible and one of the best pets in the game (seriously). The combination of 341 speed, being a Mech, and having Batter (2-3 hits based on being faster) and Expose Wounds (less damage than Black Claw but lasts 5 rounds) adding 70 damage to every hit the enemy takes, can only really be beat by elementals (and even then...) I would get 3 of these in S/S of any quality and stone them up if you have to. They're that good and you won't regret it.
Beast of a pet, easily acquired, H/H breed and the combination of Roar, Rampage, then Hibernate, makes it unquestionably a very powerful Beast type pet.
Absolutely no idea why this pet is rated so poorly for battle, Chew, Combeback, and Stampede, along with being a critter with H/P high health and power, means it can't be stopped. This pet will straight up 1 to 1 trade with most pets besides humanoids, if not outright win based on its sheer health, power, and moveset. Also takes out the first 2 pets of Dundley Stickyfingers (SL-Maldraxxus daily) with ease...literally 1v2's a current expansion daily pet master...what more do you need
Over powered on a Dazzling Dance team
I would think H/H or possibly H/P would be the breed preferences you would want with this pet.
One of the first truly great battle pets I ever caught. A P/P Emperor Crab will be a mainstay on your pet battle teams forever. It's that good!
While I don't really use this pet ever, I was looking at it and was surprised to see just how strong it could be. Death Coil, Siphon Life (or Death and Decay for 9 rounds of healing even in backline), and Humanoid Racial all make this pet have quite the staying power. Obviously would be countered by things such as Darkness or Sandstorm, and Undead attacks, but other than that...nice pet!