Gabrizar's Comments
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Actually, as a Dane myself, it was possible to get the RaF pets and mounts.
I just grabbed one on silvermoon EU at howling fjord, 45,1 - 49,1. Servertime 2:35 AM
Having read all the comments about the pet and that it like to kill itself to spite you, so you wont get it, I was fricking out a bit, and felt the sweat starting.
Even more when I saw it was already a rare.
I guess it took pity on me and desided to play nice, and is now part of my collection.
I'm still running high on my great luck there. Grateful for the locations.
Picked mine up from the AH a few weeks ago for 5 k, I was happy.
Missing this baby from my colection, and really want it. However I'm in a 2mans guild on Silvermoon EU, and had no reactions when I made a post on the servers site, asking for someone to join my guild with the staff, offering 20 k gold.
My offer still stand, or I would happy part with one of my many pets, within reason.
Could also join another EU server, and do the trade in a guild, but might take me a bit longer there getting enought rep and gold to buy the pet from the vendor.
My country is selected as Denmark, so no, I didnt cheat to get the raf pets or the mounts I wanted from it. Thank you for accusing me of it.