Fubar's Comments
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Blue Mini Jouster is Breed 12 and the Gold Mini Jouster is Breed 8.
It is now possible to get both pets by doing the ‘Egg Wave’ quest and 'The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN' achievement.
Blue Mini Jouster is Breed 12 and the Gold Mini Jouster is Breed 8.
It is now possible to get both pets by doing the ‘Egg Wave’ quest and 'The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN' achievement.
I turned up and there were no Scorpling to be seen. I took the advice in the comments and did a big circle killing all battle pets (if they weren't rare quality I'd forfeit then just one shot them). I focused on the forest and did a quick circle of the rest of the area and went back and I found one! (one only and was normal/white quality).
The Lava Beetle is better with same abilites and same skin: http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/critter/insects/lava-beetle/
Interested in doing Arena Pass 2013 for Murkimus the Gladiator? Me too!
Battle Tag is Fubar#2138. I play Resto Druid/Horde on Sylvanas (EU).
Grunty says "Get some!" #Swag #YOLO