Feralsynapse's Comments
(3) comments by Feralsynapse

Comments by Date (3)
Can be completely solo'd by Mr. Bigglesworth, he is faster and can negate most of her damage. First turn use Claw Yu'la will use her Emerald Presence. Next use Ice Tomb she will fly up with Lift-Off. Toss up Ice Barrier to block her attack. Pass on the next turn. Continue with Claw x2 (Ice Tomb should be off cooldown on the next turn). Repeate the process and the pass until Yu'la is dead.
Honestly it makes sense for this pet to spawn on the 21rst with the start of the mid-summer festival. This would also make it spawn on the equinox.
*Update: Got my guardling @ 6 am on Ventur Co. Just missed getting one @ midnight, logged in 6 hours later waited a few mintues one spawned right infront of me. Cauptured near the aq 20 enterence just a little SW of the questgivers.
Most likely a drop from the bag recived from defeated Crysa, <Flying Pet Tamer>. She can be found at 63, 35 in the Northern Barrens-NW of Far Watch Post. Has three lv 25 Flying pets.