Dwamli's Comments
(11) comments by Dwamli
Status Update (1)
Additional Comments by Date (10)
At the moment, there is a bug where this pet is not being awarded on achievement completion, be aware.
Do you have to complete the world tour with Uuna or just through the scenario and get her decked out?
You left out the Rotten Little Helper....
Same, I own it but it is not updating in my collection.
I NEVER have this kind of luck, but I got mine using the key you get from completing the quest, first drop. WOOT
Are there any guilds on Terokkar or Alexstraza (US) that could help a collector with this?
Carpeverpa - there is another explanation, you were there when someone else opened a crate....
Just gto a common P/S. Pretty happy.
This pet is plagueing my existence.................................................
Two quick successful BMAH wins in a row, a Firefly for 1100g and a Durator Scorpion for 1200g, pretty cheap given AH prices on my server.