Dust's Comments
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1-3 of 3
Would any of you buy more than 1 of this pet for strategy reasons?
Posted: April 19, 2015 10:11:09 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Crimson Moth
If you're not getting credit for catching them, catch another, I've had this problem with a few other pets, catching another one gives credit.
Posted: January 20, 2013 3:53:09 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Sandy Petrel
Showed up as secondary pets when fighting Leopard Tree Frogs. Getting one at Windward Isle can be a nightmare with alot of them spawning on bad terrain.
Posted: January 04, 2013 1:31:07 AM
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Rating: +1
1-3 of 3
Didn't realise you could tame pets from the legendary pet battles in Tanaan, managed to pick up a rare Fen Crab. I have been half-arsing the battles, so I've only picked up one of the fel-touched bag pets, and doing one or two fights a day.
I'm now much more richer on Gallywix than Arthas. I've been selling pets at cost transferring them from Arthas to Gallywix with some friends I've made on the server who can speak English. The economy is vastly different on Gallywix when it comes to pets. Noone has money, yet the supply is also low, so pet costs are still high (not that anyone buys them).
Having trouble finding the Crimson moth on Gallywix, it's not at any of the listed spawns I've seen people note.