Darthenderx's Comments
(14) comments by Darthenderx

Comments by Date (14)
I've caught this in two different colors. One in the color in the model shown on the page here, and one that matches the icon for the pet.
Any idea which, if either, is the rarer color?
Not looking to having to solo Spine of Deathwing a bunch of times...
Still, psyched they did all of Cataclysm in a single achievement!
I'm curious if RWL6 is actually going to have any new pets, since Pandaria raids already had a ton of pets in them.
God DAMN it Blizzard!
I feel like with every patch you add pets to something ELSE that I DON'T WANT TO DO!
Here's a pet that costs a million gold! Here's pets you can't have without a Druid! Here's pets you can't get without a Death Knight! Here's a pet you have to prestige 7 times in PvP for! Here's a pet for for one of those obnoxious completionist raid achievements you can't even do in LFR!
"You will get him when you reach Prestige 7"
Well...won't be getting that. Thanks Blizzard...
Taking into account current WoWToken prices, this pet functionally costs $570.
I get that they wanted a gold sink for the game, but they could have given us, like, 50 pets for 20k a piece. Or even 20 pets for 50k a piece, and still gotten their million gold.
One pet? Eat a **** Blizzard...
Dammit. I was looking forward to this.
I see a lot complaining about the grind. I never upgraded my pets to Rare until the Garrison menagerie, and, frankly, that made it into no grind at all. 1 pet battle a day on two characters? Over the course of a year, it just took care of itself.
I was needing something new to work towards, and I was well sick of my pets always being two rarities below high-end NPC trainers.
I'm so freakin tired of having to keep do the damn holiday crap every year because they throw some new collectable on it every year.
Why Feline Familiar? Why don't you love me?!
Personally, I don't like any pet that I can't obtain in-game.
Wanting me to buy Blizzard tickets I don't want or strongarm my friends into playing just to collect pets?
I say, put all those promotional pets on the pets store, then let us by them with WoW tokens.
I think the obvious reason that Squirt's team gives out significant XP still is that it's the only one of the menagerie dailies where you're actually facing a trainer.
All the other battles are just you fighting the pets themselves.
I'm going to be working on this one slowly over the next 25 weeks.
With the new weekly quest for winning 10 PvP battles, I'm going to do just enough to complete that quest every week.
I'm loving this little guy.