Ceventatem's Comments
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It's very easy to get both lanterns (H&A) w/o farming coins on 2 opposing characters or heading for the AH. (This is assuming you already have one faction's lantern for yourself.) Obtain 50 coins and buy a second lantern (Save extra coins in your bank from year to year). Add it to your journal. Log on to a character of the opposing faction (lvl 1 will do) and cage one of the lanterns. Stand in Org or SW and offer to trade with someone who has an extra of the lantern you seek. Even swap.
Looking for this kitty is the very definition of insanity.
During the months I farmed, I focused on zombies, Gnolls and horses.
The farm zombies at 39,60 respawn instantly and are clustered. Very efficent.
Gnolls and horses both respawn almost as fast, but are more spread out. Less efficient, but a nice change of scenery.
I like to keep my bags FULL for mass-killings so auto loot only takes the MONEY from each kill. I can quickly see whether or not there's a kitty and keep moving.
It's very easy to get both lanterns (H&A) w/o farming coins on 2 opposing characters or heading for the AH. (This is assuming you already have one faction's lantern for yourself.) Obtain 50 coins and buy a second lantern (Save extra coins in your bank from year to year). Add it to your journal. Log on to a character of the opposing faction (lvl 1 will do) and cage one of the lanterns. Stand in Org or SW and offer to trade with someone who has an extra of the lantern you seek. Even swap.