Cardee's Comments
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Comments by Date (6)
Really hope we'll get as many pets in BfA as we did in Legion--or even more. I love the start of an expac because I get to run around and catch tons of new pets. Looking forward to adding all new pets to my collection!
Eek! And I thought I'm set with my 4k-something pet charms. That's only 20 epic battlestones, which doesn't even make a dent in my 700+ collection! I suppose it's something that we can work on if we've done everything else, but it hurts just thinking of the grind!
*squeeee* Tytytyty Blizz and whoever found this! First the three Hallow's End pets and now a baby murloc pet that we can acquire in-game? So happy right now.
WHEE! New pets! *bounces up and down*
Is it too much to hope that Grumpling will be as noisy as Kun-Lai Runt used to be? I loved having it stomping around.
If I fits I sits. <3 Maybe a Cheezburger meme, but I love it all the same.
A few observations in my multi-day search for a red S/S out of storm:
1. It looks like 3 Snapdragon Pup battle pets are up at any time. If you just killed one, then the replacement may take several seconds to spawn.
2. You don't need to kill the Snapdragon Pup critters to make the battle pet version spawn.
3. Critter versions don't always turn into battle pet versions of the same color. So a red Snapdragon Pup critter won't always turn into a red Snapdragon Pup battle pet.