Bigfire's Comments
(19) comments by Bigfire
Comments by Date (19)
As of right now, Gnomelia Gearheart will not fly with dragonriding mounts. In non-dragonriding zones, she'll fly with a flying mount just fine. Oh, when you summon her, she does a Woo-Hoo and excited leap.
Finally collect it after 117 attempts, all in Hard Mode. The acquisition was on first character of the day.
The scale dropped after the tablet is completed.
This pet is classified as beast. Come on, it's an elemental. All of the moves are elemental.
I did this on my retribution Paladin, and didn't realize I didn't use the crusader aura for the speed boost. Oh the title is also character specific. Good thing I did it on the main character.
Another pet with Superbark. Not as good as the al time wild pet taming champ Grumpy that has Bark, Howl and Superbark.
If you have level 60+ alts, you can pick up the quests again with the necessary material in the bag, and do the quest again. After getting the title, fly down to the pet spawn point and try feeding it again. You can realm hop by getting into different instance (the nearby Cobalt Assembly always have group farming rep there) and you can get multiple instance of the pet.
Like other mawsworn battle pet, this guy will mount up when you get on a ground mount.
Spend 90 minutes near Path of Inception killing all of the Proto Avian and the battle pets there.
Since you cannot list lockbox in auction house, you got to get this yourself. The best way of getting the 3 lock box is to go to Ardenweld, Maldraxxus and Bastion and pickpock humanoid mobs, especially in elite area. Will take you 2-3 hours to get all 3 boxes. Or just save the boxes.
I use the kill every wild battle pet strategy to spawn this. With patch 9.1 protecting battle pet from being aoe to death, you literally have to go into pet battle to kill them.
I really don't need gears on my alts from LFR, so I send them through just the final boss to farm this pet. Took 23 attempts and got it.
Took me 27 attempts at her. Good thing my main is a Venthyr, so it's on my way out of the Covenant at the start of the day and at the end of the night.
After hunting it for 2 days straight and missing out on Day 1 when the World Quest was in play, I found him again, without World Quest. It would appear that this is a unique zone spawn pet. Only one of them can show up at a time. It'll either be in Banewood/Grove of Terror near Night Market in the south, or it will be in Menagerie of the Master outside of Sanguine Depths in the north. If you don't find one in one of the spawn point, go to the other.
She came out on the Pet Battle Bonus week, so of course, I level her up in no time using my army of alts that's leveling via daily pet battles.
According to Blizzard, the NPC that's supposed to drop this haven't spawned yet. Blizzard finally decided that's kinda of stupid and expand the drop list to ALL nagas and murlocs.
Got this after killing an elite Kunchong on Island Expedition.
Only the character who completed Get Hek'd achievement can see the pet on the vendor. I parked a Horde alt at the vendor and after my Human Paladin got the achievement, nothing. I have to personally run into that shop, through the guards to get there. It's not too bad of a run.
After completing the quest, you have to individually click to learn the 3 new pets. They're in your bag.