Averalorax's Comments
(14) comments by Averalorax

Comments by Date (14)
Found as a secondary pet while battling in Nazmir
I am SO far behind on pet collecting, and probably continue falling behind. :(
I am looking forward to the new pets and the new expansion, but I have a few projects that are taking much of my online gaming time.
I apologize for not being able to say Where I found mine. Thanks to flying, I was able to find this guy and finally capture him after killing the previous 3 I ecncountered ny misjudging the damage when attacking. I finally just used my Anubisath to poke hime down and then 6(?) trap throws.
In many ways I prefer buying as well. This gives me the knowledge that I WILL get the pet as long as I try. With the random drop, I am not so lucky.
If Blizzard could find a way to increrase the possibility of gaing a random the more you try, I would really like that better. I LOVE the "YES!" that I feel when I get a much desired prize. If there was a way to increase the possibility of success with each attempt (or set number ie: 1-4) that would be so wonderful.
I have only done the Wailing Caerns twice, once the unlock and once the challenge. I simply haven't had the time to do it more even though I keep thinking of it.
I am glad that a second Pet dungeon is coming out. Hopefully it will not take me three or four attempts on the final fight to cocmplete it. I am just glad I have such a nice assortment of Level 25 pets.
Last night I noticed that the Swarm was available in Val'Sharah. Getting to the location for it wasn't difficult once I decided to head down the coast from Highmountain. (gotta love the Azure Water Strider) Killing the Matriach wasn't challenging with all the others who showed up. What took ME forever was finding the Orphaned Hatchling, even knowing where to look. (yes the ledge that is up above where the Matriach is)
Sounds like FUN! I can only hope that I will be able to acquire these little tykes without pulling the rest of my hubby's hair out. (joking). I LOVE the idea of the battle pets being more useful than just battling other pets. I shall admit I don't have all of the Broken Isle pets yet, not even just the ones won by battling, but these four may take HIGH priority once 7.1 releases.
I got mine today after checking around and around every time I was in Dalaran. The rug was in Brianna's (?) - the pet/mount emporium. The first bunny was a poor, that I accidently killed. But then I got a Rare and 2 Uncommons.
I called my husband back from his class hall and he also managed to catch one.
The only reason I had caught so many was I was hoping to hand them on to guild mates, but then found out that I caouldn't. Oh well. Each one is a different breed, so I lucked out.
Good luck to all
A way of balancing the two feelings, im my opinion, would be to allow a limited number (1 or 2) pets to become epic, while keeping the battle level at 25. The Epic would be more of an "Honored Title" type of position. A bit of the old wise elder who shares his knowledge and experience with the youngsters
I am both happy and diappointed in No Epic Pets. While it would be nice to have an epic or two, I am a more casual player and do not need the challenge of further leveling my (fewish) max levels higher.
That being said, I am disappointed because it would be nice to say "I've had this pet who has been around so long , it has become Epic"
I was doing one of the dailies last night, gathering 100 claws, and kept finding these as the main pet. Fought 4 or 5 Poors before I found a Rare. I wasn't even looking to nab a rare, but I kept killing the Poors before I realized it.
I was working on finishing my Safari, hunting for Wood Wasp and Axebeak, when I found this guy as a secondary in a Wood Wasp battle.
I didn't remembere anything about this fellow being available and he is still MIA in the Wild Pets listing for Gorgrond in Draenor.
According to the blue posts on wowhead, the Menageie isn't needed for the stone quest, just a Tier 3 Garrison.
I debated about buying the Epic edition last night. I wanted the pet, and the mount, but wasn't sure about the increase until I also noticed the 30 day play time. That did decide me. Mounts are less than the difference from base to mid. Then from mid to epic you have the game time and the pet as well as cosmetic. But it all depends what you want, will enjoy and cadn afford. Just my thoughts