Astraylahspicy's Comments
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Bravo to you on gaming and collecting. My mom also plays she's a lil younger than you however (she's in her 70's) So I salute her and your generation for giving it a go and showing many not all grans are what they seem. =D
Got my green guy last night, saw two spawns in teh half of a hour I was there. tamed and left. If anyones after this concerned a tame and leave so other collectors can get teh spawn and rarity of ths guy would prolly have one sitting on the edge of there seat. best a luck to other collectors!
Just got my lil Guy, I had three spawns pry to another mini pet collector appearing, i got a poor but I'll upgrade with a battle stone at some point. I just killed all teh yetis in teh cave 2 spawned in the cave while the third spawned outside the main enterance to the cave.
Finally got this cutie On Dath'Remar after days of camping, fly bys etc. as i landed I must have had lag cuz everything phrased out then the rain appeared and in front of me was a baby ape. Lucky for me he was a rare staright off and my lvl25 pet Didn't slaughter it.
Official will not have a life with these coming.