Araiia's Comments
(4) comments by Araiia

Comments by Date (4)
Like the other whelplings (Nexus and Infinite) they are numerous but seem to take a while to respawn if someone's gone through and battled them all, which is what creates the appearance of being a rare spawn.
Took me 2 days of going through every whelp in the area to get my P/S rare - glad that's over with. :)
In the span of 2 days I have seen 5, fought 4 (1x Common, 2x Uncommon and 1x Rare) and tamed 2. I had one UV despawn right before my eyes at the west Crystalsong spawn point... I unfortunately was not able to tame the rare, because my trap failed enough times for UV to cast Haunt twice, and I didn't have a pet capable of pulling her back to the front -- she killed herself on the third Haunt. QQ
Found the nest at the NW spawn point literally seconds before another player showed up from the opposite direction! I checked all the other spawns just in case, and ran into Takk the Leaper (named rare raptor.) I wonder if the nest respawn time is tied to the rare spawn being up?
Tamable by all classes in the final area of the Emerald Nightmare raid after defeating Xavius!