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Crystal Prison

Abilities by Family Beast Crystal Prison
Crystal Prison
5 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Seals the target in crystal, stunning them for 1 round.


1-20 of 20
Used By:
Ashstone Core [Core of Hardened Ash]

Drop: Golemagg the Incinerator [??+]

Zone: Molten Core

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 14

Bronze Proto-Whelp [Bronze Proto-Whelp]

Drop: Time-Lost Wallet

Zone: The Deaths of Chromie Scenario

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Bronze Whelpling [Time-Locked Box]

Drop: Ironmarch Orcs [10+]

Zone: Blasted Lands

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 100

Crystal Spider

Pet Battle: [17-18] Winterspring

Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm [Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm]

Vendor: Keeper Ta'hult

Zone: Oribos

Cost: 10000Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Gummi [Gummi]

Promotion: Trolli® + Xbox

Jeweled Emerald Whelpling [Jeweled Emerald Whelpling]

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]

Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Emerald Whelpling]

Jeweled Onyx Whelpling [Jeweled Onyx Whelpling]

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]

Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Onyx Whelpling]

Jeweled Ruby Whelpling [Jeweled Ruby Whelpling]

Profession: Dragonflight Jewelcrafting [50]

Taught By: [Design: Jeweled Ruby Whelpling]

Kaja Crab

Pet Battle: [25] Zuldazar

Laughing Stonekin [Laughing Stonekin]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Thimblerig [Thimblerig]

Vendor: Ponzo

Zone: Zaralek Cavern

Cost: 85Barter Brick (unlimited supply)

Faction: Loamm Niffen (Renown 1-11)


Cost: 45Barter Boulder (unlimited supply)

Faction: Loamm Niffen (Renown 12+)

Topaz Baubleworm [Topaz Baubleworm]

Vendor: Keeper Ta'hult

Zone: Oribos

Cost: 1Rotting Bear Carcass 1Dark Iron Baby Booties 1The Stoppable Force (unlimited supply)

Turquoise Baubleworm [Turquoise Baubleworm]

Vendor: Keeper Ta'hult

Zone: Oribos

Cost: 1Rabbit's Foot 1Large Slimy Bone 1A Frayed Knot (unlimited supply)

1-20 of 20
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