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New Pets in the Bestiary

July 18, 2008
Polar Bear Cub
I've taken the liberty of adding three pets to the Bestiary. Note that these pets are not new and have not been flagged as such. They are older promotional pets that were only ever released on Asian servers (specifically China).

I've known these pets existed for some time, but I lacked enough info to add them to the site. In truth, their profiles are still full of a lot of speculation on my part. For example, I totally guessed at their official names, items, and icons. Furthermore, two of the pets may in fact be one pet. I'm not sure whether both Chinese Dragons were released, or if Blizzard simply created two colors and only one actual pet (although unconfirmed rumors suggest there are two).

Why add them at all?
It's nearly certain that none of us will ever be able to collect any of these pets. But my goal is to make this the definitive small pet site worldwide. So I believe it should include every small pet in existence, even those that are only found on regional servers.

Three Asian beauties
With the addition of these three pets, this site is ever closer to including every small pet ever released by Blizzard. Check 'em out:

So no polar bear cub in WotLK?
Your guess is as good as mine. True, Blizzard has never reused the model of any promotional pet in the design of a new pet. But because of its unavailability on EU and US servers, we may yet see this pet in Northrend. Only time will tell.
Posted by Breanni
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