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More 4.2 New Pets: Crimson Lasher & Hyjal Bear Cub

May 29, 2011
MMO-Champion has confirmed what a few have already discovered on the PTR. The Crimson Lasher and Hyjal Bear Cub will be sold from the new NPCs that will be unlocked during the Firelands/Hyjal quest chain and dailies. [source]

The Crimson Lasher will be sold by Ayla Shadowstorm, while the Hyjal Bear Cub will be sold by Varlan Highbough. MMO-Champion does not list their sell prices, however we've received reports from players that the companions currently sell for 1,200 gold each on the PTR.

Unlocking the Vendors
To access these two NPCs, players will need to complete the prerequisite quest line and dailies to obtain enough Marks of the World Tree to advance through the lore and story of the area. Upon completion of the initial first two "phases" and transition quests, players will need to complete Filling the Moonwell and Calling the Ancients to fully unlock the vendors.

We will have more details about the companions and the long road to obtaining them in the near future, so stay tuned!
Posted by Quintessence
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