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Children's Week Bugged Quests

May 04, 2011
Thankfully Blizzard has fixed the Northrend Orphan quest so that players may finally obtain their second Dalaran companion, however a new bug has popped up with Children's Week.

Stormwind/Orgrimmar and Shattrath Quests
While many have been able to complete these quest lines and receive their rewards, some have hit a snag and are unable to receive either the last quest in the chain or even start the Shattrath one. Despite players being eligible, the stubborn orphan will (seemingly at random) not give some players the necessary quests.

Quest Resets
Blizzard has acknowledged that this is a known bug. After today's maintenance, some players are reporting that the Children's Week quests were reset for them and they were able to complete the questline again (and receive another pet reward). This may be due to Blizzard's attempt to fix the aforementioned bug afflicting random players. It should be noted that although the quests may have been reset, not all players will be able to complete the orphan quests a second time in the same year.

Recommended Work-Around
If the quest hasn't been reset for you, Blizzard recommends the following work-around:

"If the final quest in the Children's Week line for Azeroth or Shattrath has not reset, so you are unable to obtain a pet, please submit an in-game petition. Make sure you do the other quests leading up to the last one, a Game Master should be able to assist you to manually complete the quest."

We hope everyone will be able to enjoy and complete the in-game event in time, and suggest posting in the official Customer Support thread linked above if you have any further issues involving the Children's Week bug.
Posted by Quintessence
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